
A Raspbian distro running the MagicMirror
On the RaspberryPI Models 2 and 3


RaspiMirror is a Raspbian distribution running the MagicMirror software

It provides the following features:

  • Runs the latest MagicMirror software from github master branch
  • Contains over 100 third party modules from the official wiki page
  • Easy wireless networking setup
  • PM2 autostart module already installed
  • Remote ssh enabled for easy initial configuration

The image is built automatically every Sunday, using xsysroot on a small VPS. Raspimirror is free software released under the MIT license, the source code is available here.

I released RaspiMirror on December 2017, you can peek at the latest changelog, and send pull requests for fixes and improvements!


Latest built image for download is v1.0 and available through this link.

Once you have downloaded the image follow these steps:

  • Make sure you have a RaspberryPI Model 2 or 3 - latter highly recommended
  • Uncompress and burn to an SD Card of at least 8GB capacity
  • When connecting wirelessly, edit the file wpa_supplicant.txt on the boot partition
  • Adjust the screen orientation using the display_rotate keyword on the config.txt file

You are ready to boot it on the PI!

You can check the latest image build log here


Once Raspimirror boots up, it's time to configure it!

You'll see the 4 RaspberryPI icons on boot, then a black screen. Don't worry! You should be able to ssh into RaspiMirror from another computer to set it up:

  • ssh pi@raspimirror.local
  • pm2 start mm.sh
  • pm2 save
  • sudo pm2 startup systemd -u pi --hp /home/pi

At this point the MagicMmirror software should be running. Rebooting the PI will also start it automatically. You can now configure your desired modules. There is a detailed recipe on how to do that.

You also might want to set your local timezone with sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata.
